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n 环境稳定同位素

n 微污染物生态风险

n 有机污染物微生物降解

n 有机污染物电化学传感器/电催化

n 新兴污染物生态毒理与定量构效关系

n 生态经济学核算与生态可持续发展能力


l 环境生态学

l 生态经济学


l 2010-现今,威斯尼斯wns2299cn官网版,副研究员/研究员、教授

l 2008-2010,威斯尼斯wns2299cn官网版,城市与环境学院,博士后



l 深圳市高等院校稳定支持计划稳定支持重点项目:20200811151825001、地表水环境微塑料与有机污染物典型交互作用研究、2021/1-2023/12、主持。

l 国家自然科学基金面上项目:21876004、碳/氢稳定同位素用于塑化剂和溴阻燃剂环境降解机理研究、2019/1-2022/12、主持。

l 深圳市科技研发资金项目:单体同位素分析用于塑化剂环境降解机理研究、2019/1-2020/12、主持。

l 国家重点研发计划课题:2017YFC0505800、人类活动对海岸带生态影响机制及综合调控研究课题一之专题4、2017/7-2020/12、主持。

l 国家重点研发计划课题:2017YFC0505700、城市化与区域生态耦合及调控机制课题一之专题3、2017/7-2020/12、主持。


l Qing-Xin Deng, Jin-Ru Feng, Pan-Pan Gao, Hong-Gang Ni*.Combined effects of vehicles and waste incineration on urban air halogenated and parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environment International, 2023, 171, 107720.

l Jin-Ru Feng, Qing-Xin Deng, Shang-Kun Han, Hong-Gang Ni*. Use of nanoparticle-coated bacteria for the bioremediation of organic pollution: A mini review. Chemosphere2023313, 137391.

l Shu-Yan Ren and Hong-Gang Ni*. A method for measuring the emissions of in situ agricultural plastic film microplastics by ultraviolet and mechanical abrasion. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 819,152041.

l Qing Sun, Shu-Yan Ren and Hong-Gang Ni*. Effects of microplastic sorption on microbial degradation of halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 313, 120238.

l Jin-Ru Feng, Qing-Xin Deng, Hong-Gang Ni*. Photodegradation of phthalic acid esters under simulated sunlight: Mechanism, kinetics, and toxicity change. Chemosphere 2022, 299, 134475.

l Shu-Yan Ren, Hong-Gang Ni*. A method for measuring the emissions of in situ agricultural plastic film microplastics by ultraviolet and mechanical abrasion. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 819, 152041.

l Qing Sun, A-Lan Yi, Hong-Gang Ni*. Evaluating scenarios for carbon reduction using different tableware in China. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 791, 148279.

l Qing Sun, Feng-Hui Lu, Hong-Gang Ni*. Microplastic-water partitioning of two states halogenated PAHs: Solute and sol. Environmental Research 2021, 202, 111634.

l Wan-Dong Yang, Qing Sun, Hong-Gang Ni*.Cost-benefit analysis of metal recovery from e-waste: Implications for international policy. Waste Management 2021, 123, 42–47.

l Shu-Yan Ren, Si-Fang Kong, Hong-Gang Ni*. Contribution of mulch film to microplastics in agricultural soil and surface water in China. Environmental Pollution 2021, 291, 118227.

l Jin-Ru Feng, Hong-Gang Ni*. A modified method to calculate dual-isotope slopes for the natural attenuation of organic pollutants in the environment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021, 28, 30399.

l Jin-Ru Feng and Hong-Gang Ni*. A 2D CSIA-based math method to quantify degradation rate by C-H bond breaking. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2022, 44(8), 2835-2842. DOI: 10.1007/s10653-021-01045-3

l Qing Sun, Shu-Yan Ren, Hong-Gang Ni*. Incidence of microplastics in personal care products: An appreciable part of plastic pollution. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 742, 140218.

l Shu-Yan Ren, Qing Sun, Hong-Gang Ni*, Jianfeng Wang. A minimalist approach to quantify emission factor of microplastic by mechanical abrasion. Chemosphere 2019, 245, 125630.

l Xi-Ming Zeng, Hong-Gang Ni *, Hui Zeng. Is benzo[a]pyrene a reliable chemical indicator of social-economic development in China? Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 269, 122252.

l Yi-Bo Zhao, Pan-Pan Gao and Hong-Gang Ni*. A chemical time bomb: Future risks of microplastics. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 2019, 230: 1-5.

l Yi-Bo Zhao, Guang-Zhou Wu, Yong-Xi Gong, Ming-Zheng Yang and Hong-Gang Ni*. Environmental benefits of electronic commerce over the conventional retail trade? A case study in Shenzhen, China. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 679, 378-386.

l Yu-Ye Qiu, Yong-Xi Gong and Hong-Gang Ni*. Contribution of soil erosion to PAHs in surface water in China. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 686, 497-504.

l Hong-Ying Li, Pan-Pan Gao, Hong-Gang Ni*. Emission characteristics of parent and halogenated PAHs in simulated municipal solid waste incineration. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 665, 11-17.

l Yi-Bo Zhao, Ming-Zheng Yang, Hong-Gang Ni*. An emergy-GIS method of selecting areas for sponge-like urban reconstruction. Journal of Hydrology 2018, 564, 640-650.

l Yi-Bo Zhao, Xu-Dong Lv, Hong-Gang Ni. Solvent-based separation and recycling of waste plastics: A review. Chemosphere 2018, 209, 707-720.

l Wen-Bo Shu, Yi-Bo Zhao, Hong-Gang Ni*, Hui Zeng. Size-dependent emission characteristics of airborne parent and halogenated PAHs from municipal solid waste incinerators in Shenzhen, China. Chemosphere 2018, 192, 250-257.

l Pan-Pan Gao, Yi-Bo Zhao, Hong-Gang Ni*. Incidence of real-world automotive parent and halogenated PAH in urban atmosphere. Environmental Pollution 2018, 237, 515-522.

l Yi-Bo Zhao, Pan-Pan Gao, Wan-Dong Yang, Hong-Gang Ni*.Vehicle exhaust: An overstated cause of haze in China. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 612, 490–491.

l Yue-Shan Zhu, Wan-Dong Yang, Xiu-Wen Li, Hong-Gang Ni*, Hui Zeng. Airborne particle-bound brominated flame retardants: Levels, size distribution and indoor-outdoor exchange. Environmental Pollution 2018, 233, 1104-1112.


l Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences, Editor;

l Toxics Special Issue Risk Assessment of Emerging Contaminants in Aquatic Ecosystems”, Guest Editor;

l Science of the Total EnvironmentEditorial Board Member2014-2016;

l Environmental Toxicology and ChemistryEditorial Board Member2015-2017.